“No insignificant person was ever born”

Developing Shen in our life is a continuous effort and practice, day by day, until the end of our life.

We look at a person as a human being, equal to all, not defined by their past, their weaknesses, their strengths, their status, their struggles.

As practitioners, we are companions for a part of the journey of self-discovery, for a period of time.

Classes for ALL

Shen Training & Reiki

Introductory Workshop Series

Shen Training for Growth and Self-Awareness (ongoing classes, workshop intensives)

Reiki Training

Massage Therapists

Continuing Education Courses

Intro to Bioenergetic Massage Therapy & Shen Touch

Bio-Essere: Being Alive Massage

Holistic Shiatsu

Reiki Level I and II

Corporate Workshops

Communication & Awareness

Communication, self-awareness and team-building workshops for national and international corporate clients